Designed to Hide Oil & Grime Matching the colour of oil and dirt this unique range of mats and rolls makes it is easy to hide mess and grime. This enables our mats to look better for longer and effectively prolongs their usable life cycle while keeping your work environment safe and clean.
Cost Effective Mat & Roll Options These mats have the unique colour advantage of being brown, as well as being a durable well constructed absorbent. Now its easy to save money by keeping the mat in place (until reaching full absorbency) without the noticeable unseemliness of oil mess. Available in either a stacked mat pack or a roll (see part numbers and images in lower panel).
Structured for High Performance Eight layers of polypropylene and thermally bonded material ensures that it won't rip, tear or fray even when saturated. New Pig's R&D team is the best in the industry and have applied their textile technology know-how to make this class-leading oil absorbent mat.
Fire Safety Is Included for No Extra Cost Rather than burning like other oil absorbents when exposed to high heat this mat has been designed to melt making it the much safer option
Indoor or Outdoor Application The range of brown mats and rolls are perfect if you want to avoid unwanted attention from an oil leak whilst still making sure you are treating it. Functional in both indoors and outdoor spaces it is perfect for picking up unwanted grime.