COVID-19 Response Solutions VIEW OUR RANGE
The infectious nature of COVID-19 has meant that most businesses have increased the frequency of cleaning and made changes to cleaning protocols, which has led to an increase in the use of cleaning chemicals.
Every COVID-Safe Plan requires businesses to disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as door handles and benches, and to deep clean the whole workplace should someone who has attended it test positive for COVID. Many of the chemicals and treatments in use can be corrosive, which poses safety risks for employees and visitors, as well as poses hazards if they were to get into the natural environment (via spills or being poured down stormwater drains).
Ensuring that these chemicals are appropriately managed and handled is essential, which is why we’ve put together this handy guide.
Almost every workplace deals with hazardous chemicals and treatments of some sort. In the case of cleaning, they include disinfectants, acids, caustic substances and solvents.
Possible health effects depend on the type of hazardous substance, your level of exposure (both concentration or duration) and how you’ve come into contact with it (inhaled, swallowed, splashed onto the skin or eyes). Some of the effects include:
Allowing cleaning chemicals to get into our natural environment can cause serious problems for the local ecosystem, both in the short- and long-term. Short-term effects include poisoning of the water supply, making it unfit for both human and animal consumption. Long-term effects include killing of food sources, preventing them from regrowing and even weather phenomena (such as acid rain).
If you have drains near high traffic areas that need to be cleaned frequently, covers will help to prevent chemicals from finding their way down there – giving you peace of mind that you’re protecting the environment.
Drain covers can be quickly deployed, removed when no longer required and most are reusable (making them very cost effective). They are designed to seal tightly to smooth surfaces, allowing them to resist water and many chemicals. We also offer drive over covers, which are tough enough to withstand the weight of heavy tankers without dislodging!
Our range includes:
Spills and overflows are a common occurrence when it comes to cleaning; by stocking your workplace with hazardous chemical spill kits, you’ll be prepared to deal with any type or size of spill that may occur.
Kits include everything you need to deal with spills and overflows, including mats, socks, pillows and loose absorbents (which absorb chemicals without degrading or reacting). Kits are also available in various sizes, from around 40 litres to 240 litres, and are colour coded to ensure you can spot the right one quickly in an emergency.
Our range includes:
When a spill or overflow occurs, ensuring that you contain it quickly can be vital for protecting both humans and the environment from exposure. Having bunding on hand will allow you to create affordable and portable containment in minutes.
Portable spill containment can also be useful when taking deliveries of chemicals (in case a leak has occurred during transit), in chemical storage areas and when performing equipment washdowns. Their flexibility makes them ideal for a number of situations, plus there are various sizes available to meet the needs of your workplace.
Our range includes:
High traffic areas, such as aisles and walkways, can be lined with absorbent mats and rolls to instantly soak up any cleaning chemical spills or overflows. This works to contain liquids without posing additional slipping hazards.
Capable of catching both light and heavy volumes, absorbent mats can be used all around the workplace – including around machinery. Almost all mats and rolls have been designed to withstand heavy foot traffic and even some equipment (such as forklifts), allowing them to be deployed wherever cleaning occurs.
Our range includes:
If employees or visitors have managed to come into contact with a hazardous cleaning treatment, being able to treat them immediately can help to prevent serious health effects or minimise them until medical assistance arrives.
By having eyewash stations and emergency safety showers installed in your workplace, you can rest assured that you’ve provided the best treatments options on the market. All eyewash and shower stations have been manufactured to comply with and even exceed relevant Australian Standards for your peace of mind.
Our range includes:
Ensuring that cleaning chemicals are stored safely and correctly between uses helps to prevent accidental exposure of workers and the wider environment. They also work to contain any leaks that may occur, which may not otherwise be noticed until it’s too late.
Dangerous goods cabinets are specifically created and customised to safely store a variety of common hazardous chemicals, from those that are flammable or corrosive to those that are toxic. Choosing a lockable cabinet can also help you to improve security by ensuring that only authorised personnel have access to cleaning products.
Our range includes:
When it comes to the management and handling of cleaning chemicals and treatments, iQSafety offer a range of exceptional quality solutions that are sure to protect your workers, visitors and the environment as a whole.
Give our friendly specialists a call today to discuss your workplace’s cleaning procedures and what sorts of products may help you manage them best.