Tackle Oil Spills Safely This complete Oil Spill Kit contains all the essential absorbents to effectively clean up and dispose of an oil spill including; PIG® Socks, Skimmers, Mats and Pillows.
Lightweight and Mobile Made of polyethylene, this wheeled container is designed for easy movement around the workplace when you need it most.
Leading Spill Technology New Pig Corporation are a world leader in environmental, spill control and industrial safety solutions. By leveraging its extensive Research & Development team, New Pig are able to provide continual innovation to the world of spill control & absorbents.
Repels WateriQSafety spill kit products are manufactured for the absorption of oil only. Oil-only pads, mats and skimmers repel water and absorb hydrocarbons.
Prepare Your Site for Spill Emergencies With an iQSafety Oil Spill Kit, you can enjoy peace-of-mind knowing you have the appropriate resources in the event of an oil spill on site.
1 x PIG® Socks Oil-Only Skimmers White (SKM203) Dia. 7.6cm X 3m L 4 x PIG® Skimmer Socks Oil-Only Box White (104PS) Dia. 7.6cm x 1.22m L 50 x PIG® Mat Pads Oil-Only Heavy-Weight White (MAT403) 38.1cm W x 50.8cm L 2 x PIG® Pillows Oil-Only Large White (PIL203) 41cm x 43cm x 2.5cm 5 x PIG® Disposal Waste Bags Small (BAG201-S) 1 x Wheelie Bin 120L 1 x Instructions.