Our Best-Selling Spill KitDesigned specifically for the absorption of general liquids such as oils, coolants, solvents and water, our bestselling general-purpose spill kit will equip you for any spill situation. You can't go wrong with this all-rounder.
Always Be Spill PreparedThis collective, multi-purpose spill kit is packed with the absorbent products you need to ensure a quick and effective response to spills every time. Spill kit contents include PIG® Socks, Mats, Pads and Pillows.
Absorbents at the Ready Packed neatly into a high-density polyethylene container, our universal spill kit can be easily moved and maneuvered around the workplace when are where you need it most, in the event of a spill emergency. The Lift-out, prepacked baskets allow for an increased speed of access.
Weather & Chemical ResistantWeather and chemical-resistant polyethylene container protects contents from chemicals, moisture and dirt, ensuring a clean and dry spill kit. The spill kit bin has been designed to withstand maximum levels of UV exposure ensuring an extended lifetime, even when not stored indoors.
Leaders in Australian Spill ControlWith our national presence throughout Australia (offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and more), trust iQSafety to be your spill control experts no matter where you are. With more than 40 years’ experience in spill control, our team have the expertise to ensure optimal spill safety within your workplace.
Select Model
Dimensions -W x L/D x H
79cm x 105cm
61 Kg
Sold as
1 Each
Fluids Absorbed
Oils, Coolants, Solvents, Water
Up to 227L
iQSafety Part No.
# per Pallet
Components Composition
Overpack - 100% Medium Density Polyethylene PIG® Blue Socks - Polypropylene & Magnesium Aluminosilicate PIG® Pillows - Polypropylene & Cellulose Fibres PIG® Mats - Polypropylene
16 x PIG® Blue Absorbent Sock (4048) dia. 7.6cm x 121.9cm 7.6cm L 10 x PIG® Blue Absorbent Sock (PIG202) dia. 7.6cm x 3m L 60 x PIG® Absorbent Mat Pad (MAT203) 38.1cm W x 50.8cm L 8 x PIG® Absorbent Pillow (PIL201) 43.1cm W x 53.3cm L x 5.08cm H 56 x PIG® PR40 All-Purpose Wipers (WIP310) 30.14cm W x 33.02cm L 10 x Polyethylene Disposal Bags (BAG201-L) 91.4cm W x 152.4cm H 6 x Tamperproof Seal Label (LBL100) 5.08cm W x 15.24cm L 1 x Instructions.